• Where in the world is it?
Republic of Paraguay
It is in central South America, along the north borders Bolivia and Brazil, Argentina to the south, Brazil to the east and Bolivia and Argentina to the west.
• How many languages are spoken there?
The number of languages spoken in Paraguay is 23. Guarani, Portuguese, Spanish, Aché, Angaité, Ayoreo, Chamacoco, Enlhet, Enwet, German estándar, Guana, Guarani Ava, Guarani Mbyá, Guarani Paraguayan, Guarayo, Maka, Manjul, Ñandeva, Nivaclé, Pai Tavytera, Paraguayan sign language, Plaudietsch, Sanapaná, Toba Qom, Toba-Makoy.
• How many of these languages exist in written form?
Portuguese, Spanish, Guarani, Enlhet, Aché, Ayoreo, Chamacobo, Guaná Enlhet,
Guaraní, Portugues, Spanish
• How many of the total number of languages which are spoken are official languages for the country?
Two of them are oficial Guarani and Spanish
• What are the official languages of the country?
Spanish and Guaraní are the oficial languages of Paraguay
• What percentage of the country’s population is competent in at least one of the official languages?
Spanish is spoken by about 87% of the population, while Guaraní is spoken by more than 90%,
52% of rural Paraguayans are monolingual in Guaraní and 73% of the population is bilingual in both languages, while only 27% is monolingual either in Spanish or in Guaraní.
• What are the languages of instruction in the schools of the country?
Guarany, Portuguese, spanish
• Are ethnic/minor languages included in the usual school curriculum?
The MEC (Education and Culture Ministery) has created the Dirección General de Educación Indígena, ti aplly the linguistic policy, They are creating new curricular changes according to the Law N° 3231
• Are any languages illegal or discouraged?
No there are nor any illegal languages in Paraguay